Outstanding professional service

by L Williams (Vendor) 07/12/2023

I mainly dealt with Kathryn Driscoll on the sale of my property. From the moment I met her, she was extremely friendly and very professional with a lovely sense of familiarity. Nothing was a problem and she always had time to explain and reassure all the stages of the sale. Her service went above and beyond the norm and I felt in safe hands throughout the sale, even up to the last exchange and completion when things were quite manic. The whole Team at Sheridans were so friendly and compassionate and I cannot thank them enough. In what is one of the most stressful things in life, moving house, I cannot recommend Sheridans enough. Thank you for everything.

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Our local property experts will provide you with an accurate market appraisal based on the latest market trends, buyer demand and our experience of selling similar properties within Bury St Edmunds and surrounding areas.  We can provide advice on how to maximise your property's value and how we will help you get the best offer in a timeframe that suits you. 

If you would like Sheridans to sell your home, we can work with you to arrange photography and list your property online with RightMove, Zoopla and OnTheMarket. We have lots of people looking for their next home.

To book your free property valuation please Request a Valuation or call us on 01284 700018.