Two houses sold in 18 months

by Gill M (Vendor) 31/01/2023

We used Sheridans to sell our family home and to sell the home of another member of the family. Tim, Matt, Claire, Jo, Kathryn and the rest of the team were absolutely superb from start to finish. Tim loved our Suffolk farm house almost as much as we did. Great preparation before we put it on the market and a sale within three days! The second was more of a sticker but once again a successful sale at a good price came about, thanks to Sheridans' commitment and ability to find the right purchasers, with proper due diligence. Thanks very much.

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If you would like Sheridans to sell your home, we can work with you to arrange photography and list your property online with RightMove, Zoopla and OnTheMarket. We have lots of people looking for their next home.

To book your free property valuation please Request a Valuation or call us on 01284 700018.